Access guides, samples, articles, checklists, and other helpful resources on the topics that commonly arise in pro bono cases more »
Pro Bono Texas wants to make pro bono as efficient as possible for you. Here you can find the tools you need to succeed. Easily draft documents for your pro bono cases with Westlaw Doc & Form Builder and find other helpful resources in the library. Let us know what else you would like to see here or if you have a resource you would like to share.
Access guides, samples, articles, checklists, and other helpful resources on the topics that commonly arise in pro bono cases more »
Prepare, manage and file bankruptcy cases online with NextChapter. They are offering their software for free to attorneys doing pro bono bankruptcy cases. With the code, attorney volunteers are able to file with the court at no charge. Request a code for a free filing and learn more » more »
Access thousands of current forms in the practice areas that are most common for pro bono cases, including immigration. For attorneys providing pro bono services to low-income Texans only. more »